The Magic of Mindful Eating


I see it time and time again with my clients: excessive portions of food at mealtime, unconscious, quick and stressed eating patterns, no set daily time for nourishment, and failing to listen to hunger and satiation cues.

Mindful eating is a tool to help with releasing weight for good.

It helps you focus on hunger and satiation cues so you are eating because you are hungry and you truly desire the food - not just because a big, full plate of food is in front of you and it is lunch or dinner time. 🍽️ 

Mindfulness during meals includes truly taking time to sit down and eat without distractions or negativity (think stressful conversations, listening to negative news reports, etc.), slowing down the pace at which you are chewing your food, and removing your small plate from the table after asking yourself, “Am I satisfied now? Do I really need more?” 🤔

This healthy way of engaging with food is so important and creates true lifestyle changes to last a lifetime.

Mindful eating leads to much more effective and long-lasting results than a restrictive diet, and propagates mindfulness to take into other aspects of your life as well!

A fad diet that eliminates food groups is often draining and depressing.  Fad diets set you up for a lifetime of “yo-yo” dieting. 🪀

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes mindful eating, helps you to feel better both mentally and physically, and is more important than massive food restriction and aiming for a specific number on the scale.

Here are 4 Steps involved in Mindful Eating:

➡️ Sit down and unplug when you eat, setting aside 20 minutes to eat peacefully.

➡️ Taste your food and pay attention to whether or not you are truly enjoying what you are eating.

➡️ Chew your food 20 times with each bite and put your fork down between bites. It is known that faster eaters eat more and are more overweight than slow and conscious eaters.

➡️ Eat on a smaller plate, and stay conscious and aware of when you have had enough. When you have, stand up and move your plate away from the table. This is often the hardest part and takes discipline.

After implementing and having my clients adopt these basic mindfulness principles, they often tell me that they now, for the very first time, begin to have a positive and life-affirming relationship with food - and hence, with themselves! 😍

Give these mindful eating practices a try and let me know how it goes!

To your sublime health!

Much Love,


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