Loosening Up ‘The Plan’


The next time you have a rigid ‘plan’ that you think you need to adhere to, check-in with yourself and ask if this ‘plan’ is really what you need to nourish yourself today.


Yup, those were the words I said to myself this very morning as I pushed myself to take a hard run in nature. After all, I had written on my calendar that I was going to do this, so I HAD to make it happen, right?

Weeeeelllllll, not so much.

Last night, due to reasons I fully understand, I had pretty non-restorative sleep. I woke up with what I call "Crazy head” - the feeling you get when your eyes are burning and it takes a lot more effort to do what would ordinarily come easily. 🤪

BUT, today was running day and, so, off I went. In doing so, I soon realized that what I teach and what I honor most all of the time is not to push ourselves, but to LISTEN to our bodies!

I was too tired to push myself like this and my adrenals felt a bit wired. So, what my body needed was to take a lovely and conscious walk in nature or a gentle yoga class. 🧘

What I know to be the truth and what I teach, is that running or pushing ourselves too hard in exercise when we are wired and tired feeds right into the imbalances in our bodies that keep us wired and tired.

The push-push that we do to ourselves in the daily grind, and also in exercise, does to our physiology the same thing as if we are being chased by a saber-tooth tiger 🐅 - the same adrenal push and fight or flight physiology.

This wreaks absolute havoc on us, our sleep, our mental health, and the inflammation in our bodies - just to name a few.

So, the next time you have a ‘plan’, check-in with yourself and ask: What is it that I really NEED to nourish myself?!

At the end of the day, this will be the best gift of all that you can give yourself!

To your sublime health!

Much Love,


Free Yourself from Anxiety: ‘Tapping’ Your Way to Better Mental Health!


Be Here Now: The “Re-Do”