Free Yourself from Anxiety: ‘Tapping’ Your Way to Better Mental Health!
When I bring up ‘Tapping’, I have noticed that by now many of you have heard the terms ‘Tapping’ or ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ (EFT), also referred to as psychological acupressure.
This technique was initially used for war veterans with PTSD many years ago and had remarkable results. Now, it is also being used very successfully for anxiety, depression, sleep, pain, and cravings.
Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on meridian points, in this case, 9 of them, to restore energy balance to your body. The anxiety 😰 you are experiencing creates automatic, repetitive, negative emotions that replay in your body day in and day out, often in an endless loop.
This simple tapping technique ☝️ involves using your own fingers to gently press on specific points on your body while bringing awareness to negative emotions that you feel from whatever issue is blocking your mental, physical and spiritual health.
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I know it seems unbelievable that you can be helped by something so gentle and seemingly simple, but tapping truly helps you access your body’s balancing energy and sends new signals to the part of your brain that controls the automatic fight-or-flight reactions, created by the specific thought or memory of a stressful or traumatic event.
It is time to try something new, ladies.
It is time to set yourself free. 🦋
To your sublime health!
Much Love,